Research Request – Adults with Siblings with Intellectual Disability

2017 Ohio SIBS Conference
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2017 Ohio SIBS Conference
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Ohio House Bill 115 – Opportunity for Ohio residents with communication disabilities to register with BMV
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Research Request – Adults with Siblings with Intellectual Disability

To: Ohio Adult Siblings

From: Danielle Wilson, University of Kentucky

Are you an adult who has a sibling with an intellectual disability?

Would you be interested in participating in a research study?

We are interested in how sibling relationships affect one’s willingness to provide support for their sibling with an intellectual disability. If you consent to participate, you will take a survey that asks for demographic information, as well as information about the relationship you have with your sibling, and the levels of support you provide your sibling.

The study is being conducted by Danielle Wilson, a Ph.D. student at the University of Kentucky. The survey should only take 25 – 30 minutes. All data collected is anonymous and will remain confidential.

If you are interested in participating, please click the following link:

Thank you,

Danielle Wilson

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